You are viewing documentation for Flux version: 2.1

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Controller Options

Controller command flags and defaults.

To customise the controller options at install time, please see the bootstrap customization guide.


--artifact-retention-recordsintThe maximum number of artifacts to be kept in storage after a garbage collection. (default 2)
--artifact-retention-ttldurationThe duration of time that artifacts from previous reconciliations will be kept in storage before being garbage collected. (default 1m0s)
--concurrentintThe number of concurrent reconciles per controller. (default 2)
--enable-leader-electionbooleanEnable leader election for controller manager. Enabling this will ensure there is only one active controller manager.
--events-addrstringThe address of the events receiver.
--health-addrstringThe address the health endpoint binds to. (default “:9440”)
--helm-cache-max-sizeintThe maximum size of the cache in number of indexes.
--helm-cache-purge-intervalstringThe interval at which the cache is purged. Valid time units are ms, s, m. (default “1m”)
--helm-cache-ttlstringThe TTL of an index in the cache. Valid time units are ms, s, m. (default “15m”)
--helm-chart-file-max-sizeintThe max allowed size in bytes of a file in a Helm chart. (default 5242880)
--helm-chart-max-sizeintThe max allowed size in bytes of a Helm chart file. (default 10485760)
--helm-index-max-sizeintThe max allowed size in bytes of a Helm repository index file. (default 52428800)
--kube-api-burstintThe maximum burst queries-per-second of requests sent to the Kubernetes API. (default 100)
--kube-api-qpsfloat32The maximum queries-per-second of requests sent to the Kubernetes API. (default 50)
--leader-election-lease-durationdurationInterval at which non-leader candidates will wait to force acquire leadership (duration string). (default 35s)
--leader-election-release-on-cancelbooleanDefines if the leader should step down voluntarily on controller manager shutdown. (default true)
--leader-election-renew-deadlinedurationDuration that the leading controller manager will retry refreshing leadership before giving up (duration string). (default 30s)
--leader-election-retry-perioddurationDuration the LeaderElector clients should wait between tries of actions (duration string). (default 5s)
--log-encodingstringLog encoding format. Can be ‘json’ or ‘console’. (default “json”)
--log-levelstringLog verbosity level. Can be one of ’trace’, ‘debug’, ‘info’, ’error’. (default “info”)
--max-retry-delaydurationThe maximum amount of time for which an object being reconciled will have to wait before a retry. (default 15m0s)
--metrics-addrstringThe address the metric endpoint binds to. (default “:8080”)
--min-retry-delaydurationThe minimum amount of time for which an object being reconciled will have to wait before a retry. (default 750ms)
--requeue-dependencydurationThe interval at which failing dependencies are reevaluated. (default 30s)
--ssh-hostkey-algosstringsThe list of hostkey algorithms to use for ssh connections, arranged from most preferred to the least.
--ssh-kex-algosstringsThe list of key exchange algorithms to use for ssh connections, arranged from most preferred to the least.
--storage-addrstringThe address the static file server binds to. (default “:9090”)
--storage-adv-addrstringThe advertised address of the static file server.
--storage-pathstringThe local storage path.
--watch-all-namespacesbooleanWatch for custom resources in all namespaces, if set to false it will only watch the runtime namespace. (default true)
--watch-label-selectorstringWatch for resources with matching labels e.g. ‘’.
--feature-gatesmapStringBoolA comma separated list of key=value pairs defining the state of experimental features.
--interval-jitter-percentageuint8Percentage of jitter to apply to interval durations. A value of 10 will apply a jitter of +/-10% to the interval duration. It cannot be negative, and must be less than 100. (default 5)

Feature Gates

NameDefault ValueDescription
OptimizedGitClonestrueOptimises Git resource usage by only cloning repositories when the HEAD commit changed since last reconciliation.
CacheSecretsAndConfigMapsfalseConfigures the caching of Secrets and ConfigMaps by the controller-runtime client. When enabled, it will cache both object types, resulting in increased memory usage and cluster-wide RBAC permissions (list and watch).